Stories of French Adolescence and History that Many Want to Forget

Le refugié, by Felix Nussbaum

If you follow my blog, you’ve probably recognized that I have a penchant for sobering literature. While feel-good stories aren’t exactly banned from my shelves, most of what I read is either nonfiction or historical fiction that sheds light on a troubling period in human history. Likewise, when it comes…

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October Potpourri: Criminals, Choreography, Coronavirus, and more

Paris Halloween, 1997, AFP PHOTO / PASCAL GUYOT

At the end of each month, I select a handful of fun and informative Francophone news items that have come across my screen. Here are my picks for October 2021. Champagne Wars Last summer, Russian President Vladimir Putin introduced a new law stating that only Russia’s homegrown Shampanskoye can be…

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American Dirt, The Out Crowd, and Cancel Culture

Saguaro National Park by Joe Parks

Since Covid, I’ve been very diligent about staying home, limiting my social interactions, wearing a mask, etc. Last week, however, I decided to escape the confinement and join my husband Andy on a short expedition across Wyoming and South Dakota. I thoroughly enjoyed the break from routine. To sum things…

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