A Walk in Paris, the City that Inspires

There are many reasons why I keep returning to the city of Paris, some of them concrete, others intangible. I always take hundreds of photos. Last summer, on my first trip back since the pandemic, I did so with the idea of melding them into a video to share with friends. There was so much that I wanted to include: museum pieces, food, street life, monuments, markets, gardens, the Seine, storefronts, buskers, bikers, and bookstalls. I envisioned a short section of each, hoping to capture Paris in all of its glory.

I know. The project sounds rather vainglorious—especially given that I know next to nothing about film and would be creating my masterpiece in iMovie. When I finally got around to reviewing my shots, I realized that the best I could hope for was conveying a small slice of life in a city that has been written about, painted, filmed, photographed, and artistically portrayed by masters for centuries.

I can’t imagine coming to Paris and not spending hours simply walking about. There is so much to see packed into every block that I find walking preferable to other forms of transportation. In that light, I’ve limited my video to a fraction of the pictures that I took en plein air. I hope you’ll enjoy taking this walk with me.

A Walk in Paris

Music Credit: Alex Khaskin, French Lovers

More from Paris o Cas d’intérêt

About Carol A. Seidl

Serial software entrepreneur, writer, translator, and mother of 3. Avid follower of French media, culture, history, and language. Lover of books, travel, history, art, cooking, fitness, and nature. Cultivating connections with francophiles and francophones.


  1. Oh my oh my!!!! Sooooo wonderful! Thank you Carol for taking the time to create such a beautiful little film. I’ll watch it when I need a Paris pick-me-up!

  2. A great collection of images! Makes me want to go there. Paris has so much interesting architecture. It feels like you could walk around it forever and there would still be new things to discover.

    I don’t actually know what iMovie is, but the video looks very professional.

    • You should go Infidel. You’d love it. I’m happy to help you with an itinerary if you ever decide to take the plunge.

      Yes, there is an infinite supply of things to see and do and much of it for free.

      IMovie is a free movie-making app that comes on MacBooks. I don’t mean to criticize it. It does wonders.

  3. Nice video!

  4. Paris seems like such an amazing city. I have always wanted to visit and I plan to definitely spend some time walking.

  5. I really enjoyed your tour of Paris, all the scenes fit in so well. So, Notre-Dame is still healing!

    • Yes, it will be a while before Notre Dame can open its doors but pre-pandemic, Macron set a goal of holding mass there again within 5 years. That makes the target for re-opening April 2024. On verra. (We shall see).

  6. Loved your “Walk through Paris”. Will probably never get to visit so thank you for the lovely afternoon. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. superbe vidéo, merci !

  8. I’m ready to go back!

  9. Very, very nice… You and I seem to look at the same things…
    A very good rendition of Paris’ atmosphere… Bravo! (And it looks easy? It’s not. You must have put quite some time in production…)

  10. What a lovely virtual visit to Paris! Really felt the atmosphere with the music bringing all the beautiful sights together. You fit so much in and moving through the different themes made it all flow so nicely. Someday I’ll see Paris for myself, but I love that I can enjoy this vignette right now (and anytime!) from my living room!

  11. pinching my fingers & kissing them! superb! now I’m craving a croissant at a sidewalk cafe

  12. I love the video and will share it with my students who all dream to go to Paris one day!

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