A Look at Cancel Culture’s Trashing of a Remarkable Filmmaker

Smaker filming in Saudi Arabia

This week I listened to an interview with Meg Smaker, a gutsy yet empathetic filmmaker whose documentary, Jihad Rehab, was initially hailed by numerous film festivals and critics, then condemned and dropped like a hot potato. The claim that the film was Islamaphobic is behind its sudden death sentence. After…

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Fantastic French Films to Feast on Over the Holidays

Scene from The Parisian Agency

I’m perpetually on the hunt for film and book recommendations, even though I have a long list of both that I’ll probably never get through. At the end of each year, however, I usually pick up the pace of my media consumption. The weather in Michigan keeps me away from…

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French Comic Gad Elmaleh Tests His Skills in America

Elmaleh and American Stand-up

I recently came across an interesting documentary on YouTube, produced by and starring Gad Elmaleh, the famous French comedian. You may have never heard of Elmaleh, but in France, he’s a superstar. Born and raised in Morocco, Elmaleh has played in more than 30 films, many of them American. He’s…

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