Riad Sattouf Uncovers the Life of a Long Lost Brother

Moi, Fadi... focus image

Two years ago, when comics author Riad Sattouf released the sixth and final edition of his 6-part autobiography, L’Arabe du Futur, I was sad to be at the end of a fascinating saga, each book of which I’d eagerly devoured. Sattouf, whose mother is French and father is Syrian, had…

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Lampooning the Olympics, French Cartoonists Win Gold

Focus Image Olympics Games, by Mutio

As France prepares to welcome athletes and tourists from around the world, many French people are hanging onto their hats. While thousands have benevolently volunteered to help out, opportunists abound, exploring every angle to advance their personal gain. It’s been 100 years since the games last took place in Paris…

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New Round of Death Threats For Coco

Ramadan in Gaza, by Coco

The truth can be painful, especially for those dedicated to revealing it. French political cartoonist, Corinne Rey aka Coco, must once again worry about her safety. Last month, one of France’s leading newspapers La Libération posted a controversial drawing by Coco on its X (formerly Twitter) feed. The drawing is…

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January Potpourri: Latest Fun and Flippancy from France

Cartoon, Protests against retirement reforms

What follows is an incomplete and irreverent summary of French news from January 2023. Brought to you, in part, by some of France’s favorite cartoonists. Ushering In the New Year Macron’s Proposed Retirement Reforms In January, millions of French people took to the streets to protest President Macron’s proposed retirement…

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My French Odyssey and Ways to Improve Language Skills

Learn French!

Like many people, every January I give some thought to my long and short-term goals and come up with several resolutions. This year, however, I’ve been floundering—that is, thrashing about like a flounder hoping to flop its way off the deck of an aircraft carrier. A persistent problem for me…

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Visiting the Louvre through the Eyes of Outstanding Cartoonists

Variations on Mona Lisa

Each time I visit Paris I think, maybe this time I’ll make it to the Louvre. There are so many things to see and do, however, that I never seem to get there. A quick eyeballing of the swarms in the Louvre’s main courtyard and the throng serpentining in front…

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Alain Passard, Revolutionary 3-Star Michelin Chef Who Went All Veggie

Kitchen of Alain Passard

I love to cook and I love French bandes dessinées, so when I learned that the comic author and artist, Christophe Blain, had written a book about one of France’s top chefs, I wanted to check it out. Published by Gallimard in 2011, En cuisine avec Alain Passard is the…

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Battle for Ukraine, Through the Eyes of French Editorial Cartoonists

Putin's table by Chappatte

We can argue about whether editorial cartoons make us laugh or cry, but the best among them should make us think. Here are some of my favorites from France which take aim at Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine and the West’s counter-reaction. See Also Masterful Street Artists Across France Hail…

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